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My mission is to provide compassionate guidance and empowering witness primarily for Womxn who have experienced any variant of abuse or religious oppression.
Alongside this is a safe practice in uncovering                    sensually intuitive enlightenment for
all genders and way of being. 
I am dedicated to helping you
 restore your nervous system by offering ease through sensual embodied connection. My approach goes beyond surface-level, as we delve into the subconscious to identify and rewrite limiting beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing liberation.  I strive to create a space where you can embrace your inner wisdom, find empowerment, and alchemize your pain for profound transformation unique to you.

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Hello, I'm Kryss,

I am a survivor of a tumultuous 10-year abusive marriage.

was raised under the oppression of Biblical Patriarchy and Purity Culture, which instilled deeply ingrained limiting beliefs and shame within me, a life not my own but ruled by destructive men. The result was a journey marked by intense emotional and physical trauma, resulting in CPTSD.

However, through the guidance of my intuition and the transformative assistance of healing professionals, I broke free from the cage and ripped apart the chains that bound me.


This liberation has fueled my unwavering dedication to empowering others, guiding them to recognize and claim their inherent worthiness, autonomy, goodness, freedom, and capacity for profound healing.

My nurturing nature and heartfelt intention for fierce emboldening form the foundation of my approach. Having experienced the harrowing effects of living in dissociated survival with a nervous system deeply affected by CPTSD specifically panic, vertigo, and numbness, I have actively sought out solutions in progressive healing certifications.

Today, my soulwork is to guide and support individuals on their own path towards self regulation, liberation, and expansion with integrity, authenticity, self compassion, and the welcoming of dreaming deeply.

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Sensually Embodied Hypnotherapy

Empowered sensual  liberation through Hypnosis and intuitive movement.

With options of Reiki, Therapeutic tracing, and sensorial shadow exploration.



Online/in person Phx, AZ

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when & where to find my

Sensually Embodied Meditation Class

To connect with the body, to welcome the senses is to access a wealth of wisdom and insight.

 My classes offer an invitation to connect somatically, shed shame around body image and pleasure, and receive the healing wisdom of sacred intuition, movement, vibration through sound healing, Gemstones, along with guidance from the rhythmic cycle of the Moon.

Thanks for subscribing!

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Free Treasures for you


Dream Reading

Discover the meaning &

wisdom of your dreams


Sensual Dreams Awakening

Sensually erotic stories and images in nature



To protect yourself is to validate your worth, to learn how to protect yourself is self-care

"I like your voice, your approach and found the short meditations soothing, helpful, in the midst of excruciating emotional pain."

- Podcast listener

"Lovely meditation. Intriguing you referred to moon rest and water as I love both. Here is a photo of a 3 hr night walk I had made the evening before your podcast arrived."

- Marijke B, New Zealand

(Recorded customized Hypnosis)

"It was amazing. I feel like it helped calm my anxiety around what I shared."

-Lauren, Arizona

(Hypnotherapy session )

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